Thursday, August 25, 2011

Little black book app?

Have you  ever  received  a  random  text  of  unknown  origin?  Such  texts...we  know  what  they  are  all  about.  Usually  generic  in  nature,  usually  late  at  night  without  any  identifiable  or  personalized  details  to  indicate  that  the  sender  actually  knows  you,  or  you  even  know  the  sender.  Just  a  "Hey,  what's  going  on?"  sort  of  text.  Wow.  Am  I  to  be  so  flattered  that  you,  this  unidentifiable  texter  thought  of  me,  and  only  me  at  this  hour  of  the  evening?  Well,  let's  give  some  of  these  rampant  texters  the  benefit  of  the  doubt  but  for  the  others it's  recently  given  me  cause  to  wonder.  

It's not that I'm so popular. One could argue that I'm simply getting old and have a faulty memory. Really it's more that until I'm interested enough in someone, as in, a few actual phone calls have occurred and possibly a real date, I'm not likely to commit this person's phone number to proverbial phone contact memory. Who wants to save someone's contact information who may not actually call, or who you may not want to call back anyway? And the truth is, for me, if things don't go well I'm more a slash and burn kind of girl. Even if I've saved a phone number I'm very likely to delete all contact information, e-mails and the like. So when the occasional random text of unknown origins appears, I have to wonder, is there some little black book app out there? If not I just now coined the term and idea so please do not develop such an app without permission.  Do  such  men  send  out  hundreds  of  generic  texts  at  once?   Imagine this little black book app if you will... These player men could store numbers of women they may want to contact in the future, keep it separate from their real contacts. Perhaps a mass text could be sent to all these ladies in the app book, as law of averages would dictate if you throw out enough bait your bound to catch something. Just know, if you are to respond to such a text, you'll very likely be thrown back eventually. Like a little black book app catch and release. How do I get so lucky? I can safely say this, he didn't. 


  1. Generic and mass texts drive me nuts. I sometimes keep numbers of people who are truly annoying so I will know to skip their calls. lol. I hate having contact clutter, but it's so necessary.

  2. But those annoyances call! That's something! Thanks for your comment.

