and other such nonsensical rules....
Now I realize this may be MY problem. Perhaps I don't play well with others. Maybe I need my own sandbox, but it doesn't really matter because if I'm dating someone and he is irritating me to the point that I want to hurl my precious iPhone across the room..well this must be a telling sign. For one of us. Probably both. I have a vast amount of patience for well-intentioned idiots. Plus, it's no secret that I do love my iPhone. My iPhone is like a highly paid, imaginary friend of sorts. With apps. I'm sure I could find an app that will tell me I'm pretty every day in a sultry masculine voice and I would be pretty well set for life, or at least another week or so. I say imaginary friend because as much as I do enjoy texting, emailing, IM'ing and all those other 'ings, at times I feel I as though I could be chatting with just about anyone really, both platonic and otherwise. The best thing about such modes of communication is that one can instantaneously, and when you think about it, passive aggressively, speak to anyone without the extra effort required to actually pick up the darn phone and talk. Weird. You know, with actual vocal cords. Novel idea I know. Here's a shocking truth: I have a.... wait for it.... LAND LINE (insert gasp here)! I've given this number before when meeting a potential suitor, only to have said suitor e-mail me later, yes e-mail, to let me know my number must not be right because after all, he tried to text me (of course) and it didn't go through, of course. Thus starts the beginnings of what could very well be a text only relationship. Do you really want to be with someone who cannot go the extra step and dial your digits because he wants to hear your beautiful voice? And a text only relationship is just begging for all sorts of textual frustration. Many misunderstandings and arguments could be avoided by simply having a five minute phone conversation. Text lacks eye contact, a voice... tone, word connotation, connectivity, inflection... misunderstandings occur, or too much reading between the lines or lack thereof making me want to again, throw my phone or perhaps other objects. Perhaps I just need to get with the textual revolution as it is still Friday night... sort of. THIS, however, is a tale for another time. Let's try putting these non-phone hurling techniques to the test for a day or so. If you find yourself like me, wanting to throw your phone, at least wait next until month when the iPhone 5 comes out.
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