Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is chivalry dead? And other questions about the dating dance...

Dating is like a weird dance. Sometimes well choreographed and other times just free-styled.  Either way certain rules exist, basic rules that we should abide by. One of these such rules is the notion of chivalry. Chivalry is often associated with qualities of the classic knight such as courage, honor and a sense of justice.  In the modern world, chivalry is extended to courteous behavior, especially toward women. As modern, independent  women  we can still  be  all  that  without  losing  ourselves  in  the  process. Rather, It is the  mark of a strong  woman  to  assert our wants  and needs. We should expect and demand basic human regard in the dance we call dating. Chivalry means more than just opening a car door in my humble opinion. Maybe it's just me, but when did we lose the simplest rules of dating that dictate that the boy calls the girl days in advance for a date?  A day and  time  is  determined. He shows up even. He may even open that car door. When a man calls, err rather texts you at the last moment to ask you "what you're up to later," he's saying many different things. You lose a piece of yourself when you allow someone  else  to make  you feel as though you are not important, that you don't deserve basic human  courtesy. You're not foremost on his mind, or he hoped something or someone else might pan out but it didn't so he's texting you now. Barring many other variables, he's otherwise saying that you were not important enough to make proper plans in advance, and worse, he feels you are sitting around at his beck and call for that all important text.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a consolation prize or a notch on the ol' bedpost. I want to be with someone who truly wants to be with me, that feels those inexplicable butterflies when he's with me and all that other mushy stuff. I'm not an  afterthought or a back-up plan. Bear this in mind when you get that last minute offer...  and don't waste the pretty on someone who doesn't hold you in high enough esteem to give you any forethought. You're liable to get the proverbial door slammed in your face rather than opened for you. If that happens, find the one who is waiting in the wings to dance any  way you choose together.

And the crux of the problem, it feel like little girls don't learn how to be loved anymore and boys don't learn how...this perhaps is a thought to ponder onto for next time... I already have just the tune in my head.

Read the following from the site Texts Last Night should that text be of um, this variety... the modern variation of the old fashioned booty call (and this is a tame one from that site)...   You're going to love yourself even more when you turn your phone off.  

(801): hey, what are you doing tonight?
(646): sleeping, g'night!
(801): but i wanted to see you :(
(646): sleeping! g'night!
(801): i miss you!
(646): stop - you have a right hand - use it!

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